The Brighton i360

The Brighton i360 is a great family-friendly summers day activity for the whole family or with a few mates – with a great view and an exciting experience.

The i360 takes you up 45oft in a 360* pod where you will get some breathtaking views of Brighton. You’ll see the South Downs, the coast, Hove, and the Seven Sisters cliffs to the Isle of Wight. The ride is approximately 25 minutes long and is best experienced on a clear summer day or at night.

Sadly, the i360 will be closing down on November 3rd, 2022. So please, go and enjoy this experience before the opportunity closes.

If you are after tickets or any other details check out the official British Airways i360 page.

If you have any more exciting information about the i360, contact us on our socials!

Are you looking for other things to do in Brighton? Check out The Brighton Palace Pier.


British Airways i360 image in summer from the ground
The British Airways i360

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