Dog Friendly Beaches in Brighton

Looking for Dog-Friendly beaches in Brighton?

If you are planning a family trip you need to make sure that every member of your family is accounted for. Let me help you with this!

The Council’s info on Dog- Friendly Beaches

The Brighton and Hove city council said that dogs are permitted on all beaches in the city between 1 October and 30 April. Outside of this period, dogs are only permitted on dog-friendly beaches. A helpful tip to remember is to look out for vegetable/ mineral oil. If you see a white lump that looks similar to candle wax stay away from it as it can make your dog ill. In case you run into it please report it to the Seafront Office.

Depending on your dog you will want to know which dog-friendly beaches in Brighton are the best for your dog.

Kemp Town Beach

Kemp town beach is perfect for you if you are looking for a quiet beach that doesn’t usually have a large crowd; You’ll only have a few sunbathers on the beach. You are still limited to the October to April window of the year unfortunately. There are also a few shops and cafes nearby.


Hove Lawns and Hove Beach

Hove Lawns also includes a large patch of green grass which is often populated by groups having picnics or just getting together and while it is still a popular location it is a moderately busy area. Nearby is a lagoon, and a few boating spots which are lovely to see as you walk by. The seasonal restriction for this beach is between September and May.

Hove Lawns and Hove Beach Dog Friendly Beach Brighton

Final words

If you are looking for other things to do in Brighton check out our homepage. Something we missed or anything that you want us to cover – please let us know via our socials.



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